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Fashion Stylist

Style by Christiana can guide you on how to get to know your body and what styles works best. Emphasis is place on assessing your body objectively. If you have trouble spots, it’s imperative to look for cuts and fabrics that camouflage what you need them to camouflage. Choosing colors that complement your skin tone is also a major factor in the styling process.

Style by Christiana will help you find a style that works! We’ll also show you how to stick with it and add your personal touches to reflect your personality. A fashion style that makes the most sense on an individual level is the fashion style that reflects who we are.

Who needs an Image Consultant?

You do if you:

• have a full wardrobe but nothing to wear
• Have had a lifestyle change – new mum, retirement etc.
• never really felt like ‘yourself’ in your clothes
• find shopping daunting
• simply want to create your own personal style

When you book an appointment with us, Style by Christiana will do the following:

Complete style and body analysis:
Knowing your body type is the stepping stone to determining what looks best on you. We utilize the latest in body imaging software to classify your body type and also to assess what hair style would better flatter your face.

Color Analysis:
Color drapes will be utilized, to determine your complimentary colors by targeting your seasonal and flow colors.

Wardrobe Management:
Most women have wardrobe stuffed full of clothes but still feel like they have nothing to wear. By re-organizing your wardrobe, you can see clearly what you do have and make better use of your wardrobe. You’ll be more likely to mix and match clothes together and be able to see what gaps you have that need filling – the perfect excuse to go shopping!

Personal Shopper:
We’ll give you the option of accompanying you while shopping. If you hate shopping, we can relieve you of the daunting task by becoming your personal shopper!

Your Style Portfolio will include the following:

• A complete report on your body type and a guide on achieving the image you want to project
• A wardrobe management report that lists the styles of clothing that would best flatter you.
• A fan of 50 customized fabric color swatches, to aid in choosing the right colors for your clothes and make up when you go shopping